Browse through Tractors in South Africa on AgriMag Marketplace (Usage High to low)
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Massey Ferguson Tractors MF5710 Cab
John Deere Tractors 5082E MFWD TRACTOR
John Deere Tractors 8295R MFWD TRACTOR
Massey Ferguson Tractors Massey Ferguson 5710 4WD
John Deere Tractors 5090E
J/D 5090E, 4x4, 3200 Ure, 2017, Baie goeie toestand. R390 000,00+vat Swartruggens Henning 083 755 21 ...
John Deere Tractors 5090 E
Massey Ferguson Tractors MF6711 Cab with loader
Challenger Tractors MT765E TRACK TRACTOR
Mccormick Tractors Mccormick t max 100 rps cab
Case Tractors Case IH Magnum 340
2019 Case IH Magnum 340 4200 hours, 254 kw. AFS Pro 700 AutoPilot. Full-service history. Good condi ...
John Deere Tractors John Deere 8R 410
2021 John Deere 8R 410 4140 hours, 308 kw. JD AutoTrac SF1. 321 lpm Hydraulics. 6 x Remote Valves. ...
John Deere Tractors 5082E MFWD MODIFIED TRACTOR
John Deere Tractors 5082E MFWD TRACTOR
John Deere Tractors 5303 TWD TRACTOR
New Holland Tractors New Holland TM7030, Rops, 165Hp/123kW
New Holland TM7030, Rops, 165Hp/123kW Engine Rebuild Lichtenburg, North West
John Deere Tractors John Deere 6140 M
2020 John Deere 6140 M 4100 ure, 104 kw. AutoTrac Ready. PowrQuad 24/24. Volledige rekord. R 1 350 ...
John Deere Tractors 5076EN TWD MODIFIED TRACTOR
New Holland Tractors NH T4.95 CAB
New Holland T4.95F CAB 2019 model 72kw, 4053 ure Front lift, front PTO, ekstra front remotes @R350 ...
TAFE Tractors 45 DI
Very clean Tafe 45 4000hrs Fully serviced Start and go condition. Export and transport options a ...
Claas Tractors Talos 210
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