Browse through Case Tractors in South Africa on AgriMag Marketplace (Year: High to Low)
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Case Tractors MAGNUM 235
Case Tractors Magnum 340
Case Tractors Magnum 340
Case Tractors MAGNUM 340
Case Tractors Case IH Magnum 340
2011 Case IH Magnum 340 4706 ure, 254 kw. AFS Pro 700 AutoPilot. Duals voor en agter. R 1 385 000 + ...
Case Tractors Magnum MX225
Case Tractors Magnum 335 full autopilot
Case Magnum 335 full autopilot 3* 245kw / 2010 model Ure 7350 @R1 150 000 + btw Kontak Coenrad 0 ...
Case Tractors Maxxum125
Case Tractors Case Steiger STX430, 430Hp/321kW
Case Steiger STX430, 430Hp/321Kw North West
Case Tractors Case JXM 90
2006 Case JXM 90 4x4 Contact Elrico 066 253 2378 or Wilhelm 082 464 1575
Case Tractors Magnum220
Case Tractors Magnum MX135
Case Tractors JX75T
Case Tractors Case 7210 Tractor
Case 7210 Tractors 4x2 in good running condition. Discount Implements Delmas Ilan 0836004952
Case Tractors CAB MC105 with wet clutch
Case Tractors Case 3294, Cab, Daul Back Wheels, 197Hp/147kW
Case 3294, Cab, Daul Back Wheels, 197Hp/147kW Free State
Case Tractors Case 2294, Cab, 154Hp/115kW
Case 2294, Cab, 154Hp/115kW Free State
Case Tractors 845
CASE 845, 4x2, Goeie toestand. Prys: R60 000.00+vat Area: Senekal Kontak: Henning 083 755 2177
Case Tractors Trek Trekker
Case Trek Trekker, Ure en Jaarmodel is onbekend. Goeie toestand. Prys: R280 000.00 Kontant Area: K ...
Case Tractors 2007 Case JX55T Tractor
Year: 2007. Manufacturer: Case. Model: JX55T. Papers: Yes. Engine Type: Iveco 3 cylinder. Drive: 2WD ...
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