Dealer Listings
Search Results (296 listings)
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Jacto Spraying equipment Jacto 2000lt Tow Sprayer, 18m Arms
Jacto 2000lt Tow Sprayer, 18m Arms Brits, North West

Fiat Tractors Fiat 640, 64Hp/48kW, Original
Fiat 640, 64Hp/48kW, Original Schweizer-Reneke, North-West

Other Tillage equipment Massey Ferguson 3 Disk Plow
Massey Ferguson 3 Disk Brits, North West

JF Haymaking and silage JF Stols Single Row Silage Cutter
JF Stols - Single Row Silage Cutter, Almost New Limpopo

New Holland T8040, 304Hp/227kW, Double Back Wheels Lichtenburg, North-West

Claas 50 Square Wire Baler, Rebuild Brits, North-West

Other Agricultural trailers 30 Ton , 3 As Voerwa
3 Ton, 3 As Voerwa North West

Fuel storage tankers 500Lt Diesel Car, Pump, Filter & Meter
500Lt Diesel Car, Pump, Filter & Meter Brits, North-West

6 Ton Hydraulic Tipper Trailer, Double Tires North West

New Holland Haymaking and silage New Holland 370 Wire Baler
New Holland 370 Wire Baler, 2022 Rebuild Mpumalanga

Massey Ferguson/Safim 4 Row Planter Mpumalanga

New Holland Tractors New Holland T4.90, Rops, 86Hp/64kW
New Holland T4.90, Rops, 86Hp/64kW 2020 / 6300 Hours - R320000 2022/ 900 Hours - R375000 North West

Fiat Tractors Fiat 480, Used Daily, 48Hp/36kW
Fiat 480, 4x2, Used Daily 48Hp/36kW Brits, North-West

Gallignani Haymaking and silage 5690 small blocks twine

New Holland Tractors 140 90 Perkins 1006 123kw

Agri Tech Planting and seeding equipment 7 row 3m fine seed

Haymaking and silage PZ Zwiegers 1.8m

Welger Haymaking and silage RP202 special 1.2m

New Holland Haymaking and silage 1290 Big Pack HD

Dairy farming 11 point milk machine 2 x vacuum pumps
MAKE AN OFFER!! 650, 1450 and 500 lt tanks and compressors