Exploring the Different Types of Crane Trucks in the Industry

Date: 27/06/2023

Crane Trucks

Are you considering investing in a crane truck for your construction business? With a variety of options available, choosing the right type of crane truck is crucial for ensuring efficiency and safety on the job site. Today, we will explore the different variety of these trucks, including mobile, rough terrains, all-terrain, truck-mounted, and crawler cranes, to help you make an informed decision. Want to start selling on AgriMag? Request a dealership account here now.

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Types of Crane Trucks for the Industry

1. Mobile Crane Trucks

What are Mobile Crane Trucks?

Mobile crane trucks are versatile lifting machines mounted on a wheeled chassis. These cranes can be easily driven to various job sites, making them highly practical for projects requiring frequent relocations.

Key Features:

  • Flexibility: They can be used for a wide range of lifting tasks, from construction to industrial applications.
  • Ease of Transport: Their road-legal design allows for quick and convenient transportation without the need for additional permits.
  • Setup Time: These cranes are known for their rapid setup time, enabling quick commencement of lifting operations.


  • The trucks are ideal for urban construction projects, infrastructure development, and maintenance tasks where mobility and quick setup are essential.

2. Rough Terrain Crane Trucks

What are Rough Terrain Crane Trucks?

Rough terrain crane trucks are designed specifically for off-road applications. They are equipped with large, rugged tires and a powerful engine, making them capable of navigating uneven and challenging terrains.

Key Features:

  • Stability: They have a robust, compact design with a low center of gravity, providing excellent stability on rough surfaces.
  • Maneuverability: These cranes can easily maneuver in confined spaces, making them suitable for rugged job sites.
  • All-Wheel Drive: Most rough terrain cranes come with an all-wheel-drive system, enhancing their capability to operate in difficult conditions.


  • These cranes are perfect for construction sites with uneven ground, such as mining operations, oil fields, and rural infrastructure projects.

3. All-Terrain Crane Trucks

What are All-Terrain Crane Trucks?

All-terrain crane trucks combine the capabilities of mobile cranes and rough terrain cranes. They are designed to travel on both public roads and rough job sites, offering exceptional versatility.

Key Features:

  • Dual Capability: They can efficiently travel at highway speeds and handle off-road conditions, reducing the need for multiple types of cranes.
  • High Capacity: All-terrain cranes often have higher lifting capacities and longer reach than mobile or rough terrain cranes.
  • Advanced Technology: These cranes are equipped with advanced hydraulic systems and computer-controlled operations for precise lifting.


  • These crane trucks are suitable for large-scale construction projects, wind farm installations, and any job requiring a combination of road travel and off-road lifting.

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4. Truck-Mounted Cranes

What are Truck-Mounted Cranes?

Truck-mounted cranes are cranes mounted directly on a commercial truck chassis. They offer the convenience of driving to a job site and performing lifting tasks without additional setup.

Key Features:

  • Integration: The crane is integrated into the truck’s design, allowing for seamless operation and transportation.
  • Cost-Effective: These cranes can be more cost-effective for businesses that need a versatile and efficient lifting solution.
  • Quick Deployment: They can be quickly deployed to various locations, making them suitable for short-term projects.


  • These cranesare commonly used in urban construction, utility maintenance, and logistics operations where quick, reliable lifting is required.

5. Crawler Cranes

What are Crawler Cranes?

Crawler cranes are heavy-duty cranes mounted on a set of tracks (crawlers). They are designed for lifting very heavy loads and can operate on soft ground without sinking.

Key Features:

  • Heavy Lifting: Crawler cranes have some of the highest lifting capacities among all crane types, making them ideal for large-scale projects.
  • Stability: The wide tracks distribute the crane’s weight, providing exceptional stability on soft or uneven ground.
  • Long Reach: These cranes can be equipped with long booms and jibs to reach significant heights and distances.


  • Crawler cranes are best suited for large infrastructure projects like bridge construction, power plant installation, and heavy industrial projects where stability and lifting capacity are paramount.

Choosing the right type of crane truck is essential for ensuring the success and efficiency of your construction projects. Whether you need the versatility of a mobile crane truck, the ruggedness of a rough terrain crane, the dual capabilities of an all-terrain crane, the convenience of a truck-mounted crane, or the heavy-lifting power of a crawler crane, understanding their unique features and applications will help you make an informed decision. Invest wisely in the variety of crane truck that best meets your needs, and you will see significant improvements in productivity and safety on your job sites. Interested in selling on AgriMag? Request a dealership account here.

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